1) That no consultation meetings take place between December 1 and February 1;
2) That no submissions are due within the period December 1 and February 1;
3) That there be consultation on the Terms of Reference for any consultation;
4) That all alternatives, including the do nothing option, be part of the consultation;
5) When copies of reports or documents are to be provided to members attending the consultation there should be a copy for each member and an extra copy for their Group;
6) That relevant information be provided in adequate time (to be negotiated will all parties, up to one month before consultation starts) before such meetings so that representatives have time to peruse such information, discuss the contents with other members of their group or members of other groups, and seek information from other sources if necessary before attending;
7) That each group member be supplied with a copy of the Consultation Policy under which the consultation will take place, or with the guidelines for such consultation and the Terms Of Reference, before any consultation starts;
8) That a Group or Group Members need not resort to Freedom Of Information requests to access information or reports about the issue being consulted on;
9) That each group member be supplied with a copy or a list of the relevant legislation or regulation under which the consultation will operate. e.g. Health Act, Transport Act, Fisheries Act, BCC Town Plan, Regional Planning etc.;
10) That expenses for attending meetings should be considered essential. These expenses including child care, car travelling allowance and car parking fees, or public transport costs including taxi fares to and from public transport to attend meetings, be provided for the community representatives;
11) That unless otherwise agreed to by participants that an agreed hourly rate be paid to offset community environmental group participation and for the preparation of submissions. The rate for the Community Liaison Committee is proposed at $125 per hour (half the commercial rate for typical representatives);
12) That funds be available to Group members. To offset the costs to arrange their Group meetings, & reproduce information and its distribution to other group members. Initially, the amount for the Community Liaison Committee consultation is proposed at $2,500 per month for the period of the consultation, and longer as necessary or mutually agreed;
13) That if the meetings start or finish around noon to 1 pm that a light lunch be provided or sufficient money be provided for same. Similarly, should the Community Liaison Committee elect to meet in the mornings or the evenings, appropriate meals and refreshments be available;
14) That a copies of Draft and Final Draft reports be supplied to each group member attending, and community group, without charge;
15) That any public consultation resulting in a report or "Community Update" or the like should also result in dissenting reports of the community groups being published;
16) That only smoke-free environments be used as venues for consultations;
17) That Government Departments with involvement in the issue be represented at such consultation meetings and be available to answer questions relating to their department or failing to be able to answer, then submit a written answer to the person or Group who raised the question, within an agreed acceptable time.

The Biohazard Action Alliance Groupsą principles will be widely distributed to all Government Departments, and other bodies undertaking government and private consultation contracts and other environmental community groups around SE Queensland.

Our Group is of the opinion that the, user pays principle applies, and if the Government or consultants in private enterprise want our local knowledge, experience and expert advice, that we should be reimbursed and compensated for our valuable time and effort.

Most groups have limited resources and are not funded by Federal, State or Local Government. We would expect therefore that you understand our position and will make adjustments in the way you tender for consultation work for all your clients.

We would expect that you would give immediate consideration to these matters.

We would appreciate a prompt response in regard to our concerns over all these matters.

This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

as a community service.