I'd like to see that is a line that's all the go
From banks to pizza's all in a row

Our Pauline said now just it mo'
I'd like to see my name in posterity
As the first female PM in history

I've got a right
Even tho' you say I'm not so bright.

My voice that shakes
Even quivers and vibrates
Does not mean I'm short of mates

In fact the opposite is true
Everyone says I want to sleep with you
But only if I get your vote too

Now Johnny Boy as square as square
Won't listen to his friends
And Robbie B is trying to be fair
One and one and one make five
So I should stay in gov't and thrive.
My mentor Joh is still alive

Peter Beattie full of vim
Says I know they don't want him
I've got the vote to take the job
I just need the word from Bob
I'll smack him soon straight in the gob
The only trouble is with me I've got
Hamill as an accessory.
He screwed the rail
He's really only out on bail

Joan is gone but not forgotten
She's only gone to pick some cotton

Now what would I just like to see
A screamless train eventually.

Jim Pross
51 Railway Parade
Norman Park

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The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

E-mail: activist@rag.org.au

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