Karalee & Barellan Point Action Group Inc


Ever since in 1997, when it was announced that the local abattoir, now called Australia Meat Holdings Pty, Limited, (Dinmore) (AMH since it was recently bought out by ConAgra, an American owned Multi-National Corporation), had lodged expansion plans with our local council, Ipswich City, for approval and that it was their (AMH's) every intention to increase the size of their operations at Dinmore, our troubles began.

The local residents have had on going consultative meetings involving representatives from Ipswich City Council, the Queensland Government, the Environmental Protection Agency and Australia Meat Holding and were continuously being advised to trust AMH and the authorities, give them time, and that once the expansion to the meatwork complex was completed they, the residents, would never know that AMH were there, the place was to be landscaped, the buildings were to be of a low design and painted to blend into the background.

These lies and deceptions have now come to fruition for, not only has most of the things promised not been carried out or the work been completed but, the communities of Karalee and Barellan Point, Queensland, Australia, have been suffering at the hands of AMH from ever increasing nauseating stenches, sleep depriving noises and floodlight illumination spillages which we believed to be a risk to health and now the pollution of our rivers. So much for trust.

Home Page

This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc


as a community service.