A man made drain to allow the partial drainage and subsequent filling of low wetlands areas for industrial development.
The blockage of natural drainage in this area is due to the years of dumping of dredge spoil from the Brisbane River behind a river wall built in the 1930's and over the last century or so the building of the Cleveland Rail Line, local roads, upgrading of Lytton Road and now the Port Motorway upgrade and extension and the more that 70% up stream catchment development of Bulimba, Hemmant and Lindum Creeks have all added to the present drainage problems in this area.
With little or no maintenance over the past 40 years this is what it is like in 2011.
Some of the images below are from a video made in 1995 and 1997 of the Gosport Street culvert showing years of neglect.
This is as I see the history of Lindum Creek from my memories since 1947. The year I was born.
Kianawah Road Wynnum West Nov 2011 eastern side of culvert. Photo 1
Kianawah Road Wynnum West Nov 2011 western side of culvert. Photo 2
Kianawah Road Wynnum West Nov 2011 western side of culvert. Photo 3
Bridge across Lindum Creek from Brisbane City Council Park Land.
This was built to allow dairy cattle to cross after this drain was dredged in the late 1960s.
Certainly not maintained. Photo 4
Remains of bridge removed by Dec 2011
Culverts under rail line on Lindum Creek. Looking downstream. Photo 5
Taken during a flood event. Photo 6
Photograph taken looking west with Lindum Creek in foreground under a few metres of water.
Photo of house once owned by Mrs Chambers situated between Lindum Road and rail line not quite opposite and between 146 and 118 Lindum Road.
Date of photo unknown but maybe 1960's possibility just after Lytton Road upgraded.
Looking east from the culvert on Inghams Place Photo 7
Looking west from culvert on Inghams Place showing Port Road bridge Photo 8
As above with zoom image of Port Road Bridge. Photo 8 (a)
Lindum Creek culvert at Inghams Place. Photo 9
Lindum Creek looking upstream from Lytton Road towards Port Road Photo 10
Lindum Creek at the upstream side of Lytton Road Culvert on incoming tide. Photo 11
Lindum Creek at Lytton Road down stream photo 12
Lindum Creek looking upstream from Gosport Street Photo 13
Lindum Creek the original alignment crossing Gosport Street looking upstream adjacent to Anton Road
Photo 14
The original alignment of Lindum Creek. That is the man made one in the 1930s started at Aquarium Passage near the mouth of Bulimba Creek along the original tidal corridor which formed an island of the area now known as Wyuna Court and the northern end of Anton Street.
The open drain was along the eastern side of Anton Street up to what was then Lytton Road now called Gosport Street.
Near where Metal Corp is now there was a set of wooden flood gates as was installed on all other creeks and drainage channels in the area.
During 2012 Brisbane City Council undertook works on the western side of Anton along the original drainage channel.
I have been informed that this work was in the form of a oil trap because of emissions from Metal Corp.
Regardless of what the Brisbane City Council were undertaking in the drainage channel they did not even bother to clean out the drainage between Anton Street and the new Lindum Creek alignment excavated in the late 1960's.
The photos below were taken just after the high tide peak on Friday 11 January 2013.
The high tide level was 2.6 m at 9:27 am. Photos taken at 10:44 am.
The average water level along this section of drain was only several centimetres deep.
Another Brisbane City Council neglected drainage channel.
The old Lindum Creek channel just after high tide.
The old Lindum Creek drainage channel just after high tide.
The old Lindum Creek drainage channel (in foreground) as it meets the new Lindum Creek west of Anton Street.
Note the amount of sediment in the two outside culverts.
Any wonder flooding occurred up stream.
Yes, two years later and still not cleaned out!
Lindum Creek at Gosport Street Hemmant near Anton upstream & eastern side 3 Feb 1997
Lindum Creek at Gosport Street Hemmant near Anton upstream & eastern side 3 Feb 1997
It took over two years to have these culverts cleaned out by the Brisbane City Council under Gosport Street at the time.
The 3 images above have been taken from my video 8 made on 3rd February 1997 some 16 months after the block drains were video above and brought to the attention of the Brisbane City Council.
So much for "Duty of Care" by the BCC Administration and local Councillor and annual maintenance inspections which the Lord Mayor has written about.
(New) Lindum Creek about 100 metres downstream of Gosport Street Photo 15
Lindum Creek near Bulimba Creek Photo 16
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The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
as a community service.