Cellular Towers under study.
Health board asks for
input on siting in city.
Public consultations over the placement of cell phone transmission towers will begin next month, the first step in a "prudent avoidance" policy the board of health has voted to adopt.
Yesterday, the board heard from people representing all sides of the debate on whether electromagnetic emissions from the towers cause adverse health effects.
Even though conclusive scientific proof that the waves cause injury to humans is lacking, it is preferable to err on the side of caution by moving to set stricter rules than those recommended by Health Canada, the hoard decided yesterday.
In her presentation, medical officer of health Dr. Sheela Basrur noted that while Industry Canada had the final say on the siting of the towers, the agency had indicated it would take any policy adopted by the city into consideration.
Dr. Dan Krewski, chair of the panel convened by Health Canada, said the group had found no evidence of serious related health effects, although some biological changes had been observed.
Because of these, the panel had concluded further study was in order.
But Mark Maitman of Citizens for a Healthy Environment, who lives within about 15 metres of six transmission towers, criticized Health Canada for traditionally using the "body count method" to establish proof of harm.
Speaking on behalf of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, president and chief executive officer Peter Barnes said the proposed prudent avoidance policy was neither justified nor appropriate, since Health Canada's safety code was among the strictest anywhere.
And an Industry Canada representative urged the board to consider the health benefits of the transmission towers, which relay many 911 calls.
After the meeting, Basrur said the consultation protocol was now being designed by city planning staff and hear- ings would likely begin in the new year and run into the spring.
Toronto Star Tuseday Dec 7, 1999 page B7
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