Letters to the Editor

Where is the vision?

HOW interesting that Dr Peter Ellyard, keynote speaker at the Redland Economic Summit, should suggest that we consider industries such as "earth repair", which would redress the mistakes of the 20th Century. Was he "having a go" at a Council which seems intent on destroying the quality of life in the Redlands--for both humans and animals.

I agree with E.Campbell (Bayside Bulletin, 04/11/97) that the name "Redlands" be changed to "Redroofs" and the koala/harbour logo to a roofline incorporating a car, if some members of Council continue to push for high density housing estates. Let's face it! This Council has no vision for the people of the Redlands and some of them are only interested in lining their own pockets.

The two schoolgirls (RT, 7/11/97) who wrote to express their dismay at the possibility of townhouses being erected next to Whepstead House, are future voters and they are not alone in their concern.

More houses mean more cars, more sewerage and more crime. Has anyone looked carefully at the impact these factors will have on the features of this shire that make it such a great place to live?

I empathise with Chris Beck (RT, 7/11/97) and his concern over a pro-urban development Council imposing its short-sighted vision on a rural island community. More people should have a say. It is disappointing to hear so many people say "I don't like what's happening to the Redlands but there's probably not much we can do about it."

This Shire could lead the way in organic and aquatic agriculture, establish a tourist industry using the strawberry theme, develop an eco-tourism industry. We have so many more interesting and diverse things we can do here. Why is this Council simply filling our shire with houses and pollution?

PS: Would it he possible for the paper to start an ideas column so that people could write in or drop into the office any good ideas they have which would make this shire a more interesting and innovative place in the future? – C. Savage, Victoria Point

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