Response letter
16 April 1999
......The Premier referred this matter to the Honourable Rod Welford MLA, Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister for Natural Resources who has advised that there are no actions contemplated by this Government that will jeopardise the high standards of Queensland's drinking water.
Encouraging greater use of recycled water is a strong commitment of this Government. The Queensland Water Recycling Strategy (QWRS) currently being co-ordinated by the Department of Natural Resources is looking at all issues with the reuse of wastewater from a whole of Government perspective. The Department has adopted a consultative approach involving Government, industry and the community.
The Strategy will address issues relating to all types of reuse applications (not just potable reuse), demonstration and research, community consultation and awareness, and stormwater reuse. The Department has access to many experts in a wide range of professional areas and their input will help to ensure the final Strategy is relevant, safe, effective, and meets the needs of the community and Government.
If you have additional information on the subject of potable reuse, or wish to obtain further information regarding the Queensland Water Recycling Strategy, you may care to contact Mr Howard Gibson at the QWRA Technical Secretariat on telephone (07) 3224 2667.
Rob Whiddon
Chief of Staff
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