While every effort is made to make sure the information displayed on this site is correct please confirm the details from the relevant organisation.
Parliamentary sitting dates are listed as a reminder that any member of the community can lodge a petition.
CRG = Community Reference Group formed for the NSBT EIS process
Month of March 2005
Stop the Tunnel Rally
Windsor Park, MacDonald Road, Albion
10am, Saturday March 19thIf you want a poster for your front fence, car window, notice board, local lamp post, stencil for wall or footpath. Small charge involved or make your own from graphic on this web site. Link to graphic site.
Phone 0416 478 615.
CRG meeting 21 March 2005
Month of March 2005
April 15
Submission to EIS close
This page is maintained by
The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
as a community service.
E-mail: activist@rag.org.au