We, the people demand the following rights in regard to land valuation.
1 If the annual valuation rolls for residential areas are only to be published in one format then it should be as follows. Sorted Street number and alphabetical by Street Name and Suburb by valuation district.
This roll to take the format of Street number, Street name, Suburb, old valuation, percentage increase, present valuation, percentage increase, new valuation, land area, ownership. The Second if printed, ownership first and address last as at present.
2 A list of land sales on which the valuer used to justify the valuation to be published and be on display with the new rolls.
3 Land purchases made by speculators, interstate buyers and non Australian citizens not to affect valuations.
4 The valuations on either side of valuation district border have relativity to each other.
5 That the valuer refer to previous objections especially those upheld and consider them each and every time thus not requiring a land owner to object at each and every valuation as is the present system. Most people do not know that once they have won a Land's Court decision or have successfully objected that they must continue to object each and every time.
6 A comprehensive list of different circumstance that effect valuation be printed on the back of the objection forms. The following, appear to be applicable:- filling of site, agricultural drainage, dusty unsealed roads, lack of power, phone, town water, lack of parks, public transport, flooding & water run off, NOISE (train, aircraft, traffic), noise from entertainment venues (e.g. tennis and squash courts, aerobics classes, football clubs), industrial odours and dusts, drainage easements, extensive landscaping, retaining walls, etc. These are not always taken into account unless you tell them personally. Object to each and every valuation and ask for a conference on site each time. Alert your neighbours about their site if you have seen it developed.
7 The staff of the Valuer Generals be increased to allow time for the valuer to sight each allotment before deciding on each valuation where valuations differ by more than 10% of the average change for the locality. A valuation based on the 'Best Guess, Time Constraints or Who Cares Method' be no longer allowed or tolerated.
8 The Valuation Rolls be on display for six weeks. The rolls be available for viewing six days a week and at least one night a week until nine p.m. The Valuation Rolls be no longer on displayed during December or January.
9 The objection period be extended to a minimum of 60 days.
10 An independent Chairman be appointed to Objection and Pre Appeal Conferences without prejudice conferences.
11 The Act be amended to allow relativity as a ground for appeals. Relativity is the first item on the objection form and the first one you find that you cannot use in the Land's Court.
12 All court hearings to be decided on their own merits. The Valuer-Generals Department no longer be able to use precedents set in English Court, or precedents set in Queensland courts based on English precedents to win appeals in Queensland.
13 The result of all appeals, which are communicated to land owners, also include information on the next level of appeal, and advise the cost and any time limit applicable to lodge that appeal.
14 A review of the search charge structure to take account of the cost of data for appeals, bearing in mind the result is applied to Rates/and or Land Tax.
15 The Valuer-General's records available to the public should include the land use shown on the notification of transfer, Valuer-General's Valuations and principal attributes of the land.
16 Instant dismissal be implemented for any valuer who can be proved intimidated or threatened a land owner, for example, 'with an even a higher valuation, unless they withdrew from an appeal', then the valuer's valuation licence should also be cancelled for life.
Write your letter TODAY about your concerns that may be listed above and post it to the Minister for Natural Resources & Environment Locked Bag 40 Coorparoo Delivery Centre Queensland 4151
Send our group a copy in the mail.
The valuations have been described in the past by a previous Valuer-General as a "Legal Fiction", our group believes them presently to be "A FARCE". Give your neighbours and friends a copy, send a copy to your country cousins, place a copy of this on office notice boards, write letters to the Editor, ring your local State Member of Parliament. When the Valuation Rolls are displayed go and look. Take a list of your neighbours' names and check their valuation for them.
This page is maintained by
The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
as a community service.