How responsible was Port Connect for higher flood levels in
Ragnor Road Hemmant January 2012?
Well the 2 next photos below are of the nearby culvert which should be able to drain water under the Port Road and then towards the Brisbane River.
Taken about 2 weeks after major local flooding.
Port Connect informed me that this action of blocking the drainage was approved.
Who would be so irresponsible to approve such actions during January?
Which engineer would be so irresponsible to act on such an approval during Brisbane's wettest month.
Only one year since Brisbane's worst flood in 37 years which was also in January.
Photo above taken 3 February 2012
How much of the increased flood was then due to blocked culverts under Inghams' Private Road?
Next two photos.
Photo taken 16 December 2011
Under Inghams Private road off Burnby St Hemmant east side of road.
Photo taken 16 December 2011
under Inghams Private road off Burnby St Hemmant west side of road.
Below are more flooded home photographs from Ragnor Road Hemmant January 2012
Ragnor Street Hemmant January 2012
Ragnor Street Hemmant January 2012
Ragnor Street Hemmant January 2012
Ragnor Street Hemmant January 2012
Which Queensland Government Department approved the extension and duplication of the Port of Brisbane Motorway without a full audit of the drainage in the area of development?
Which Engineers are now willing to appear before a panel of their peers and explain their actions in the Port Connect development?
Which Minister will now take responsibility for their department's stuff up in the drainage in Lytton and Hemmant?
Why have successive Ministers and councils refused to maintain or even upgrade the drainage in the Lytton and Hemmant area?
Did the professional hydrologist write a flood report for the Port Road upgrade without detailing the very poor state of all of the culverts in the catchment and drainage corridors?
Did the Transport Department or Main Roads under take any visual inspection to verify the Flood Study conclusions for the Port Road Construction?
Does the Professional Ethics allow Engineers not to be concerned about the environment or the community?
I don't think so.
Because the natural (Original Creek) drainage corridor is blocked by Port Connect actions how was the flood waters to drain?
Check out the alternate flow path.
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The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
as a community service.