Port of Brisbane expansion at
Fisherman Islands.

            1. WPSQ Submission on Supplementary Report
            2. The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
            3. Sunfish Queensland Inc.
            4. Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland Bayside Branch (Qld) Inc
            5. Australian Marine Conservation Society - The National Office
            6. Queensland Conservation Society
            7. Queensland Wader Study Group


As a reference for students studing planning and/or environmental studies and in the public interest our Group has obtained copies of community group's submissions relating to the proposed expansion of Fisherman Island a further 1.8 kilometres into Moreton Bay. We are also willing to display other community's submission. Please e-mail them to address at the bottom of this page.

This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

E-mail: activist@rag.org.au

as a community service.