This is a copy of the text contained in a copy of a fax of a Memorandum received by Councillor Judy Magub, Councillor for Toowong dated 17 October 1996 about the Bypass Road, Mt Coot-tha Summit (Response to memo dated 10 October 1996).
"I have investigated the complaint made regarding the erosion control methods used during construction of the bypass road.
An inspection was undertaken on Tuesday, 15 October, and the silt trap fence was found to be in place and constructed according to specification.
I am advised that the video of the silt trap fence which was shown to you was taken at a very early stage of construction, before the fence had been properly installed.
At several points along the silt trap fence, undercutting could occur, due to the steepness of the site. The contractor has been instructed to make regular inspections of these points and repair the fence when required.
John Twentyman
These are thumbnail views of the photos taken on 22 October 1996.
Click on the text adjacient each photo for a larger view.
Money to promote, but little for the protection of the environment!
Swartz Earthmoving 'Working With the
Nothing about caring for it!!
Sedimentation fence or retaining wall?
Sedimentation fence or
retaining wall? Close Up!
To retain the sediment or to be a spillway for
Is the fence being maintained daily?
With branches under the fence, how can the
fence retain sediment?
How can a daily inspection miss this for three weeks, both by contractors and Brisbane City Council staff?
Part of this fence is several inches/cm above
the ground.
This is three weeks after it was fully installed and checked daily by council inspectors !!!!
We are told in the Memo above, that this fence
is inspected regulary and repaired as required!
Maybe the purchase of some black seeing eye dogs and white canes could a wise purchase and may save more that one life. The people involved in inspecting the Siltation Fence on a regular basis appear to have limited eyesight.
This page is maintained by
The Rivermouth Action Group Inc
as a community service.