No OPTUS Tower near Brighton Homes and Schools Action Group

Cable & Wireless Optus now must accept our right to tell the World about their attitude to our community, the general public and our health concerns for our children and ourselves.


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  1. History of Group Member's Activities
  2. Map of site
  3. Picture Page
  4. T.V. Coverage File
  5. Media Releases
  6. Newspaper Articles
  7. What Cable & Wireless Optus say
  8. What residents say
  9. Handouts
  10. Slogan Page
  11. Optus dream page
  12. It's a Dog's Life
  13. Design a T-shirt logo competiton
  14. Design a protest sign competition
  15. T-shirts with protest logo for sale
  16. We are considering compiling a book called
    "101 things to do or make with a dead Optus Cell Phone Tower"
    Please send Your Suggestions
  17. How can you HELP?
  18. Link Page to other Groups' research information
  19. Contacts' Page.
  20. How to measure tower output.
  21. The Bottom Line


This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc


as a community service.