RoadTek Caboolture Shame File 2011 #1

Queensland's Main Roads did not undertake reasonable maintenance of Morayfield Road.


Queensland Transport, Main Roads and RoadTek are the responsible Queensland Government bodies to keep our roads maintained and safe for motorist. The Queensland motorist are not being served well by them. Is it due to the Bligh Government, or the Department or Staff, POLICIES OR GUIDELINES?

Transport Main Roads and RoadTek Sunshine Coast must take more responsibility for damage to private vehicles when roads are not maintained to a reasonable standard.

Below is an well documented example of road neglect and no responsibility.

Queensland Government does not pay for their departmental mismanagement, the poor motorist have to.

I now have a departmental letter stating:



The letter received says that, RoadTek discovered the pot hole what about my daughter's phone call?

Yet the repair on December 24 lasted less than 3 days as my daughter struck this pot hole on 27 December 2010.

We need to see the RoadTek's guidelines!

On RoadTek's web site: "Commitment to quality means doing the job right the first time..."

There were no warning signs in place before this pothole.

I was advised by Main Roads Sunshine Office that they are very expensive as they are stolen regularly if used.

Maybe if the roads were kept in a better condition they would not be needed!

Morayfield Road, Morayfield where my daughter's car was damaged was an avoidable accident only if the road had been maintained to any reasonable standard.

If RoadTek, a part of Queensland Transport had fixed it when other potholes clearly visible in the photo above appeared, instead of just a temporary patch on patch effort, my daughter would not be out of pocket $205.00 and all the effort of writing emails to no avail and then the building this web site to expose Road Tek and Queensland Main Roads shoddy efforts in keeping Queensland motorists safe.

Where is the much spoken about, "Duty of Care".

The Queensland Government is and has spent millions of dollars on speed cameras, fixed and mobile cameras in a effort to keep our road safer, maybe the reason are roads are not safe as they should be is that they are not maintained well enough to drive on,

Quote from RoadTek's Website

"Commitment to quality means doing the job right the first time, listening to customers and improving ways of operation. With an internationally certified state-wide Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008, RoadTek has confidence in its delivery."

If you damaged your car or wheel rims in this pothole on Morayfield Road, Morayfield in late December 2010 you would not have received any compensation either.

This was not the only car damaging pot hole on Morayfield Road during December 2011.

What does it cost the community in damage to their vehicles when Government controlled roads are not in a good state of repair before Queensland's wet season?

My Daughter is out of pocket $205.00 due to driving into the above pot hole. It was raining at the time and the pot hole was full of water and not able to be seen. The pot hole was opposite and less than one metre away from a culvert yet the water could not drain away due to the road profile and prior neglect. This section of Morayfield Road was a pothole just waiting to happen.

Notice in the photographs that there has been no cleanup of the loose stones covered in bitumen in the three months since the reported pothole which all can end up causing chips or cracks in your car windscreen. Again at the drivers own expense.

The photos above are not the only photos taken along this section of Morayfield Road but also several other potholes along the same section of Morayfield Road.

With patch upon patch and more patches needed and no planned corrective maintenance for this section of Morayfield Road was planned until I was notified on Friday 13 May 2011 which I was told would take place in the next week or two.

How many more cars will be damaged as a result of Queensland Transport, Main Road and RoadTek neglect and/or bad workmanship.

Where may you ask? Morayfield Road northbound between Station Road and Caboolture River Road, Morayfield.

Correspondence dated and received from DJ Tennant Regional Director North Coast Department of Transport and Main Roads on 11 May 2011 included the following:

One must also consider that no information signs exist along Morayfield Road to inform the public that it is a state controlled road and not a local council responsibility. Therefore after reporting the pothole to the local council how many residents would actually bother to make a second phone call to Main Roads?

Maybe a sign worded: "This road is the responsibility of Queensland's Main Roads Department and not maintained", would be more accurate.

The following photos were taken during May 2011.

Queensland Transport Main Roads Sunshine Coast is the office (ir)responsible.

On the Bruce Highway M1 north of Brisbane.

The last two signs above were reported to Main Roads by email on 5 January 2011 and remain unchanged up to the end of May 2011.

If Transport Main Roads' staff & their contractors cannot see faded traffic signs which have taken many months/years to fade this much, can they be trusted to see potholes or potholes forming?

It is about time some of our Bureaucrats left their ivory towers and actually looked around at how badly their staff & contractors are performing.

Maybe RoadTek, Main Roads & Queensland Transport should be concerned with Workplace Health and Safety aspects of visually impaired staff.

Check out other faded Main Roads signs in the Brisbane Area

Check out Brisbane City Council's over 200 faded traffic signs photographed since Dec 2010

A Sample of No Standing Signs on Morayfield Road, Caboolture & Morayfield.

I have been informed that the Moreton Regional Council is responsible for all these signs below.


If readers can supply their photographs and documented stories for other RoadTek or Main Roads Queensland, Shame Files they will put on this web site free of charge.

This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

as a community service.