Transport and Main Roads Queensland

Traffic Sign Maintenance SHAME FILE.

Transport and Main Roads Department in Queensland are suppose to be responsible in the upkeep of major roads and signage through Queensland.

Some of those roads or part thereof are also major roads within the Brisbane City Council boundaries and nearby towns and cities.

Maps showing which road are TMR responsibility can be found on the TMR web site.


Many more (200+) photographs were taken of Faded Traffic Signs for which the Brisbane City Council has responsibility.

Just how many TMR and RoadTek employee actually drive pass these signs on a daily basis and their faded status does not register?

The first 5 signs were first noticed on 25 December 2010, reported on 5 January and since no action has been taken, photographed at later dates.


Those signs above are Main Road Sunshine Coast responsibility and those below are Main Roads Brisbane Region responsibility.

And I know where several more faded signs are located and will photograph as the opportunity arises.


Just keep watching for more faded signs as I add to the Shame File Collection.

Now we have seen that Queensland Main Roads' No Standing signs are not maintained what about Pot Holes?

Brisbane City Council Shame File 51 of faded traffic signs over 200 photographed since Dec 2010


This page is maintained by

The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

as a community service.
